Building community
Moving into senior housing can bring up feelings it seems are more suited to high school than to senior living communities. Who will I sit with at lunchtime? How will I remember people’s names? What if I can’t make friends? For some elders it’s an easy transition; for others who may be accustomed to a more solitary lifestyle, it can be a tricky time. How does one fire up rusty social synapses? One step at a time.
One way to start is by letting your personality greet the world at your front door. It’s a good way to distill a bit of your story for folks meandering past, to whet their whistle with this intriguing new person who has just relocated down the hall from them. A photo of a favorite adventure, a significant saying, a memento or craft that you are especially proud of: all of these items are entry points for sparking the connections that will lead to building your new community. On the flip side, don’t be afraid to knock on someone else’s door if THEY have something that piques your curiosity & makes you want to dig deeper.
What’s the next step? Elevator chats! Elevators are a great place to smile and greet a familiar face day after day, to learn who is an early riser, who is part of the daily walking club, or who is an avid pickleballer. Pro tip: most independent and assisted living facilities give residents name tags to wear so if you recognize the face but need a little boost with the name, just check their lapel! When the door slides shut, take a deep breath and pay someone a compliment - that’s usually a winning strategy for engaging someone new.
Out of the elevator already? Your choice: off to the dining room, take a left to the library, or head to the bus for a sponsored activity. All it takes is a smile, and before you know it you’ll be chatting the afternoon away with folks who have shared interests, a shared soft spot for liver & onions, or a love of sci-fi novels! Sharing the daily moments of our lives with others is a great way to build the bridge of connection.
One of the great delights about senior living facilities is that they are -by their nature- chock full of individuals who have had loads of living under their belt, along with the stories to match. Have you seen the bumper sticker that reads “Old People are Cool”? It’s true!! And what better way to celebrate collective awesomeness than by sharing your stories with your newfound community.
Photo by Vlad Sargu on Unsplash